Norville State School has 2 dedicated computer labs which students can access during ICT Lessons and during 2nd lunch break. Most classrooms have iPads and computers for students to access.
Year 5 classes are 1 to 1 iPads for their learning. In 2022 Norville moved from the option to purchase the device at the end of Year 6 to hiring them under the Student Resources Scheme (SRS) for Year 5
Year 6 classes transistioned from 1 to 1 iPads for Learning to 1 to 1 Laptops in 2022. Moving to laptops allowed the students to develop their computer skills leading in high school. This was one of the main driving factors moving from iPads to Laptops as feedback from the local high schools was around the lack of computer skills the year 6s were showing when they entered into high school. Also gave them exposure to OneDrive, SharePoint and OneNote which are heavily used in high school. Parents are asked to enter into a Student Resources Scheme (SRS) to hire the laptop for their child/ren to use throughout the year.
Q. Can I provide my own device?
A. Yes, you can choose to opt out of the iPad or Laptop SRS and provide your own iPad or Laptop, however it MUST remain at Norville State school for the whole year.
Please Note that our school technician will only advise on any issues with the BYO device. For repairs or reinstalling Operating System will need to be done by preferred computer repair store. BYO iPads will also not have the apps required for their learning